Mondi's SHE Stand Down Programme in the Americas: Promoting Safety and Engagement

Source: Mondi

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In 2023, Mondi launched the SHE (Safety, Health, and Environment) Stand Down programme across its plants in the Americas to enhance awareness and prevention of severe injuries.

This initiative encourages the use of the Engagement Board, introduced company-wide in 2022, to foster discussions on workplace controls, psychological elements, and cultural dynamics.

The SHE Stand Down campaign mandates that all Mondi sites in the Americas halt production for 1.5 hours monthly, during the same week, to hold Engagement Board sessions. These sessions, integrated into the production schedule, are attended by all employees, supported by SHE Coordinators, Plant Managers, and Managing Directors. They focus on openly discussing safety and health issues, including incidents at Mondi plants.

Initially, the programme faced challenges with employee engagement. By building trust and shifting from a directive to a listening approach, Mondi successfully increased participation. The Engagement Board is now promoted not only for safety discussions but also as a tool for broader employee connection.

The overarching goal is to instill a culture of safety and health where employees feel responsible for their own and their colleagues' well-being, knowing they have the support of Mondi's leadership.