FPInnovations’ recent publications

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View the list of FPInnovations’ most recent reports, publications, and recordings, as well as other items recently made available through the research library.

Click on any title for more information.


Biorefining, Lignin. Year-end report
Restricted to members of Bioproducts


Electrification and GHG reduction. Forest Operations RISF 2023.  Hybrid electric tractor semi-trailer, fuel consumption tests
Restricted to members and affiliates of Forest Operations

Electrification and GHG reduction. Forest Operations RISF 2023. Operational evaluations of electric trucks
Restricted to members and affiliates of Forest Operations

Electrification and GHG reduction. Forest Operations RISF 2023. The current status of electric trucks in forestry, case study and more
Restricted to members and affiliates of Forest Operations

Électrification et réduction de GES, PIRR 2023 opérations forestière. Essais de consommation de carburant du tracteur semi-remorque hybride électrique
Restricted to members and affiliates of Forest Operations

Électrification et réduction de GES, PIRR 2023 opérations forestière. Évaluations opérationnelles des camions électriques
Restricted to members and affiliates of Forest Operations

Électrification et réduction de GES, PIRR 2023 opérations forestière. La situation courante des camions électrique dans la forestière, étude de cas et plus encore
Restricted to members and affiliates of Forest Operations

Les membres du PIRR/RISFs’unissent pour combattre contre les incendies de forêt au Canada, grâce à un webinaire intersectoriel, 2023
Restricted to members and affiliates of FPInnovations

LlamaZOO and FPInnovations; promotional video

Log truck rollover mitigation
Restricted to members of Forest Operations

RISF Members uniting to tackle Canada’s wildfires, leveraging research through a cross-sectoral webinar 2023
Restricted to members and affiliates of FPInnovations

Summary of testing of a hybrid electric tractor semi-trailer
Restricted to members of Forest Operations


Debarking for better recovery. Wood Products RISF 2023, sawmill services
Restricted to members and affiliates of Wood Products

DigiSaw, an automated anomaly detectionsystem for sawmills. Wood Products RISF 2023, sawmill services
Restricted to members and affiliates of Wood Products

DigiSaw, un système automatisé de détection des anomalies pour les scieries. Produits de bois, PIRR 2023, scieries services
Restricted to members and affiliates of Wood Products

Durability and stability of different wood species treated with sorbitol and citric acid
Restricted to members of Wood Products

Log turners, common sources of lost recovery. Wood Products RISF 2023, sawmill services
Restricted to members and affiliates of Wood Products

Optimisation de l’écorcage pour maximiser la récoupération de la fibre destinée au sciage. Produits de bois, PIRR 2023, scieries services
Restricted to members and affiliates of Wood Products

Recovery, LRF and productivity opportunities. Wood Products RISF 2023, sawmill services
Restricted to members and affiliates of Wood Products

Récupération, rendement matière et opportunités de productivité. Produits de bois, PIRR 2023, scieries services
Restricted to members and affiliates of Wood Products

Sawing, doing everything right. Wood Products RISF 2023, sawmill services
Restricted to members and affiliates of Wood Products

Sciage, tout ce qu’il faut savoir. Produits de bois, PIRR 2023, scieries services
Restricted to members and affiliates of Wood Products

Tourne-billes, sources courantes de perte de récupération. Produits de bois, PIRR 2023, scieries services
Restricted to members and affiliates of Wood Products

Visit FPInnovations’ online research library for searchable access to the full collection that covers over 50 years of research related to forest operations, wood products, pulp and paper, and bio-sourced products.

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Source: FPInnovations